【摘要】 我国结直肠癌发病率和死亡率均位于恶性肿瘤的前列,腹膜转移作为常见转移部位,是治疗失败的常见原因之一。目前结直肠癌腹膜转移的腹腔预防和治疗性药物种类繁多,但作用剂量和时间尚未形成规范化的治疗模式。因此为了规范术中预防和治疗性腹腔干预方法,中国医师协会结直肠肿瘤专业委员会组织国内相关领域权威专家,制定《结直肠癌腹膜转移预防和治疗腹腔用药中国专家共识》(以下简称《共识》),旨在提高我国结直肠肿瘤的整体诊治水平,延长结直肠癌患者生存时间并改善生活质量。
【关键词】 结直肠肿瘤; 腹膜转移; 腹腔治疗; 腹腔化疗; 腹腔热灌注化疗; 专家共识
Chinese expert consensus for prophylactic and therapeutic intraperitoneal medication for peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer (2019 edition) Professional Committee of Peritoneal Metastasis,Colorectal Cancer Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association.
【Abstract】 The morbidity and mortality of colorectal cancer increaserecently in China. Peritoneal,as a common site of metastasis, is one of the typical causes of treatment failure. Although there are many kinds of peritoneal prophylactic and therapeutic drugs for peritoneal metastasis of colorectal cancer, the dose and time of action have not yet formed a standardized treatment model. In order to standardize intraoperative prophylactic and therapeutic intraperitoneal intervention methods, the experts from Professional Committee
of peritoneal metastasis and Colorectal Cancer Committee of Chinese Medical Doctor Association developed"Chinese expert consensus for prophylactic and therapeutic intraperitoneal medication for peritoneal metastases from colorectal cancer". It aims at improving the overall diagnosis and treatment of colorectal
cancer, extend the survival time of patients and improve the quality of life.
【Key words】 Colorectal neoplasms; Peritoneal metastasis; Intraperitoneal treatment; Intraperitoneal chemoperfusion; Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy; Expert consensus
对于已经存在同时性或异时性腹膜转移的结直肠癌患者,需经过MDT 讨论决定,对合适的患者首先进行肿瘤细胞减灭术(cytoreductive surgery,CRS)以清除腹膜及腹盆腔肉眼可见癌组织,彻底的CRS 手术要求达到CC0-1的减瘤程度(即无腹膜残余瘤或残余瘤直径< 2.5 mm),即组织学根治。然后再辅助以各种腹腔治疗手段,包括治疗性的HIPEC,最大程度清除游离癌细胞、残余癌组织和亚临床病灶,达到细胞学根治,大量文献报道CRS +HIPEC 可以明显提高结直肠癌腹膜转移患者的总生存期和无病生存期[19-20]。若在有经验的治疗中心评估原发灶及转移灶能进行R0 切除或最大程度细胞减灭(CC0-1),且无远处广泛转移,下列情况可行治疗性HIPEC:①年龄20~80 岁,根据临床情况具体评估;② KPS 评分> 70 分;③术中腹腔内游离癌细胞检测阳性;④非广泛性腹膜转移(PCI < 20)。禁忌证:①年龄> 80 岁或< 20 岁;②术前常规检查发现远处器官(肝脏、肺、脑或全身骨)多处转移或腹膜后淋巴结转移;③小肠系膜中- 重度挛缩;④常规手术有明确禁忌证[21]。
附件:结直肠癌腹膜转移预防和治疗腹腔用药中国专家共识(V 2019).pdf